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Clinical Hypnotherapy & FAQ 



What is Clinical Hypnotherapy? 
Hypnosis works in two levels of the mind: the conscious & unconscious.
We act with our conscious mind and the unconscious mind controls our habits. Using a combination of Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) that is custom tailored to your specific needs, we can transform any limited beliefs or unwanted behaviours. When we are relaxed in this way, we are completely in control and aware at all times.
Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation where the conscious mind is focused on allowing the unconscious mind to be experienced in an expanded awareness.
In this state, you can use imagination and respond to positive suggestions in a creative and productive way.
Hypnosis is natural, safe and can be learned by people of all ages to enhance their lives. It should be used with respect and concern for optimum success.
You are not asleep in hypnosis, just in a trance. Hypnosis is not a miracle cure where you take no responsibility for positive change. It is a way of harnessing inner strength to achieve what is naturally good for you. And a way for you to find peace within yourself.
A good subject for hypnosis is someone who is willing to believe in their own inherent ability for positive change. If you can commit to a worthwhile outcome you are a likely subject. If you believe – then you can achieve.
Is hypnosis safe?
Hypnotherapy is 100% safe in every way. It is also extremely beneficial for the body and mind is being in a deep relaxed state improves both body and mind function and overall well being. 
Can I be hypnotised?
Everyone can, in principle, be hypnotised. It has been shown to help if you relax, think positively, and imagine the things being suggested.


What does hypnosis feel like?
Hypnosis is a natural state that we enter into many times a day. It is when your critical mind is silent and you become absorbed in something or simply day dream.
How will I know if Hypnotherapy is right for me?
Hypnosis is essentially a simple, down-to-earth, and common sense therapy. For example, by relaxing, thinking positively, and picturing your goals, hypnosis can help you to progressively improve your habitual feelings and behaviour.
What is NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Programming is one of the most brilliant tools we have for “instant change” e.g. If you have a phobia ( Spiders ) then NLP can help you stop. It’s totally amazing transformation and not just with spiders but with everything in life.
Will I be asleep? Will I hear everything? 
Some people think that when you are hypnotised you “go somewhere else”, will be asleep and / or that you won’t be able to hear. These are misconceptions. Yes, you will feel relaxed, pleasantly so. In fact you may feel more relaxed than you ever have before. But mentally you will always remain right where you are. The feeling is similar to that wonderful feeling you have at night or in the morning when you are between being awake and being asleep. You’re not fully awake, yet if you heard an unfamiliar noise you would immediately come to attention to investigate. When you are being hypnotised you will hear every single word that is said to you. If you couldn’t, the treatment would not work.
Can anyone be hypnotised? 
Everyone of average intelligence or above can be guided into the hypnotic state providing they are willing, receptive and open minded to the treatment.






Eureka Hypnotherapy - (03) 5331 7567       email:   facebook: Eureka Hypnotherapy

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